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why does randykitty spend so much time defending wim crusio?

QUESTION: Wim Crusio is not a world-renowned scientist, yet his Wikipedia page is longer than most Nobel Prize winners. Why does RandyKitty spend so much effort defending his page?


Outside of Wikipedia, Wim Crusio is not a world-renowned scientist. He has never published any groundbreaking research, yet a Wikipedia article exists for him1 that is longer and more detailed than most Nobel-prize winning scientists. As it turns out, RandyKitty and his alias accounts have contributed the majority of the content2 on the Wim Crusio Wikipedia article, but RandyKitty has not done the same for any other scientist on Wikipedia3.

If Wim Crusio is not world-renowned, why does he have such an intensively detailed Wikipedia page? And why does RandyKitty care so much about editing the Crusio Wikipedia page with positive edits2,3 to make Wim Crusio look good?
Is RandyKitty using Wikipedia as a personal resume service for Wim Crusio? If this were to be true, should the Wikipedia community take any action?

Screenshot from Wim E. Crusio Wikipedia Page, image rights below:

Wim Crusio [CC BY-SA 3.0 (] Accessed 20/7/2019


Click on the image to the right to see the revision history of the Wikipedia page for Wim Crusio. Note that Guillaume2303, UB1Talence, and EtudiantTalence are likely  RandyKitty alias accounts.

WC Wiki Revision History.jpg

The Wikipedia entry for Wim Crusio was created in September of 2010 by RandyKitty alias account UB1Talence.

RandyKitty obsessively defends and maintains the Wikipedia article for Wim Crusio. He is quick to remove any attack on Wim.

RandyKitty contributes personal biographical information to the Wim Crusio page that only the real Wim Crusio would know.

​Does this prove that RandyKitty is Wim Crusio, and if so, does this qualify as self-promotion and what type of action should the Wikipedia community take?


1. Wim Crusio has an extremely detailed Wikipedia page. Click here to see the page:


2. Nearly the entire page has been curated by RandyKitty and his alias accounts. Click here to see the revision history for yourself:


3. Take a look for yourself, RandyKitty has never given the same attention to other scientists that he has to Wim Crusio:

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